When we decided to come to France we were determined to buy a house with some land, not something that many can afford in the UK. Not surprisingly; land is something there is plenty of on this side of the Channel and most rural houses come with a good size plot in which to develop your own version of the English estate in France.
The whole idea of being able to wander at leisure around your domain without any restrictions or observation by close neighbours, presents the ideal home location for those wishing to get away from the hustle and bustle of modern life. Furthest from the mind of many prospective purchasers is the consideration of just what is involved in maintaining these rolling square kilometres. This is particularly relevant if the purchaser is looking for the ideal haven in which to relax in their well earned retirement.
In the UK most people have their front lawn and that small area of privacy, the back garden, where all the pent up emotions of work, travel and British life are unleashed by way of the flower borders, lawn and if your lucky; a small area for growing your own vegetables. This little haven keeps you busy on the few days of good weather and is easily maintained with the minimum of tools and equipment. On this basis something a little bigger and more private would be ideal in our retirement and we could expand our gardening prowess and who knows perhaps a few chicken or a goat!
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